Weigh In Feb 4, 2010

Couldn't report in yesterday for the Rethink Your Shrink Challenge over at Shrinkingjeans yesterday because I didn't weigh in until this morning. I am down another 1.8 lbs for a grand total of 95.8 lbs lost. My next goal is within reach! 4.2 lbs to go until I am 100 lbs lighter! So so so so so close I can taste it! I envision myself crying on the scale when I see that number.

Now, I am needing to start concentrating on toning up some areas. My arms have grown wings and my stomach is still quite floopy. (have had babies afteral.... LOL ) And the chest area can always use a tone up... definitely use a tone up! Just have to find a workout that works for me that won't cause me to hurt myself LOL

I am still trying to decide on what I want to try as a new thing for the Monday project. I did try a new workout yesterday but it was similar in concept to what I have already been done. I at least am feeling a bit of different muscles that were used during it today so I know I will be adding it into my rotation of DVD's.

Is there anyone that feels that they have to do a long workout in order to feel like they ahve actually done a workout? I kow there are workouts out there that work you just as hard and it only ends up being like 20 minutes (ie. Jillian's Shred) but after I have done something that short, I feel like I haven't worked out enough. Maybe its just me....